本届奥斯卡提名最佳女主角的桑德拉·布洛克在励志感人的电影《弱点》中演一位无私伟大的母亲,她坚韧不屈的个性与博大的爱心感动了很多人。而片中的音乐也颇为好听,除了片尾曲大热的Chances之外,片头开场的那一首Cello Song也是清新脱俗,带着一点点的小忧伤,很快就把人们带入到了剧情之中。http://www.indiemuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/06%20%27Cello%20Song.mp3
Cello Song
by Nick Drake
Strange face, with your eyes
So pale and sincere.
Underneath you know well
You have nothing to fear.
For the dreams that came to you when so young
Told of a life
Where spring is sprung.
You would seem so frail
In the cold of the night
When the armies of emotion
Go out to fight.
But while the earth sinks to its grave
You sail to the sky
On the crest of a wave.
So forget this cruel world
Where I belong
I'll just sit and wait
And sing my song.
And if one day you should see me in the crowd
Lend a hand and lift me
To your place in the cloud.