英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-10 11:39:53


  Who doesn’t love love? It’s one of the best, purest emotions out there.
This means, of course, that it has the most drama connected to it. Everyone
worries about collecting a lot of relationship baggage while they’re young, but
the truth is it’s going to happen regardless of how you try to avoid it.
          Instead of trying to prevent lots of missteps, read these tips and find out
what you should know about love when you’re still young. Find comfort in knowing
that everyone goes through these things, and we all make it out on the other
          1. You’ll make mistakes
          It’s ok to make mistakes when you’re young – especially in love! Love isn’t
a rational feeling, it’s something that makes you feel the highest of happiness
during the good times, and the lowest of sadness during the bad times.
          You’re going to date people you shouldn’t; you’re going to have arguments
that aren’t worth having; and you’re going to say the wrong things during these
fights. It’s ok because you’re going to learn from each of these mistakes, and
that will make your true love that much sweeter.
          2. You can be selfish
          It’s normal to be selfish when you’re young, because you need to figure out
who you are and what you want from life. It’s acceptable to break up with
someone over something that might seem a bit petty just because they don’t seem
right for you – because they probably aren’t!
          When you’re in your teens and twenties, you need to focus on yourself,
because you need to discover who you are and what your career will be. You need
to work on things like this, including loving yourself, before you try to make a
partnership work for the long haul.
          3. You can be single
          And you should be! Too many young people think they always need to be in a
relationship. If you have this mindset, then you’re more likely to date people
who are bad for you just so you’ll be with someone. It’s ok to be single! No one
is watching you and keeping track of how long you’re single versus how long
you’re in a relationship.
          It’s important to be single so you can focus on your own life; when you do
find that special someone, your relationship will be that much better because it
will be special. You’ll be a well-rounded person, and you won’t have a history
of hopping from relationship to relationship with no substance.

entwo 发表于 2016-7-10 13:01:48

          4. You’ll fall in love with the wrong person
          This is the hardest lesson to learn, because people rarely seem wrong for
you at the start of a relationship. When you feel the sparks and the
butterflies, you can’t imagine that someone could be bad for you. But they can
be, and they will be, and you need to learn how to identify this in others
          They can be kind and still be wrong — for you. You should be with someone
who brings out the best in you, who is sweet and encouraging and compatible with
you, not who you think you should be with to make anyone else happy.
          5. It’s ok to fall in love
          So you’ve met the wrong person, and maybe you kind of even know they’re
wrong for you, but you can’t help it — you’re falling in love. That’s ok! It’s
good to let yourself feel things for others. If you’re too hesitant to fall in
love, then you might never let loose enough to find your special someone. Love
is a beautiful feeling, and it’s never wrong to feel it for someone as long as
you believe it’s true.
          6. Live and love in the moment
          Never chastise yourself for falling in love. When you feel something in the
moment, you need to let yourself feel that emotion completely. Fall in love,
daydream about your future, and, as hard as it may be to do, let yourself get
hurt. You’ll learn from all of these moments and all of these emotions.
          It seems like you’d look back and kick yourself for having a crush on
someone who was so obviously wrong for you, but you’ll see the past through
rose-colored glasses and be glad that you experienced as much as you did.

enfour 发表于 2016-7-10 13:17:10

          7. You don’t need to have a timeline
          When you’re young, you get so used to people asking what you’re majoring in
or what you want to be when you grow up that you start planning out your whole
life. It seems more stable to think “I should be married by the time I’m 25 so I
can have kids before I’m 30,” than to fly by the seat of your pants.
          But the truth is, those timelines rarely work out. If they do, it might
just because you feel pressured to stick to them. What if you’re dating the
wrong person when you’re 25, but still feel like you have to get married to meet
your goal? Scrap any timeline you have in mind. Life is going to throw you
curveballs whether you have plans or not, so see who you meet, who you fall in
love with, and go with the flow.
          8. Don’t put others before yourself
          When you’re older and in a committed relationship or marriage, there will
be times when you need to put your own wants on the back burner and let your
spouse reach some of their personal goals. It’s ok to put others before yourself
if you’re being supportive and not letting your own needs and wants fall to the
wayside, but it shouldn’t become a habit.
          If you’re in a relationship where your partner constantly needs to be the
center of attention and won’t let you have interests of your own or time to
yourself, you need to get out of that. Realize that it’s not only acceptable to
put yourself first, but it’s necessary when you’re young and still have so much
growing and learning to do.
          9. Love yourself
          You’ll fall in love with good people and you’ll fall in love with bad
people, but above all, you need to love yourself. If you love who you are, then
you’ll be more open to loving others. Love is always a great thing to share, but
loving yourself also means you won’t have to find that love in others. You can
love someone without needing something from them to feel validated. Loving
yourself is the most powerful love you can experience.
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