Letters: George Washington
To Mrs Fairfax,
Dear Madam
If this was your object in what manner shall I apologise for my present disobedience- When I had the pleasure to see you last, you expressd a wish to be informd of my safe arrival at Camp, with the charge that was entrusted to my care; but at the same time requested that it might be communicated in a Letter to some friend of yours. Am I to consider the proposed mode of Comn as a polite intimation of your wishes to withdraw your corrispondence? To a certain degree it has that appearance; for I have not been honored with a line from you since I parted with you at Belvoir. If this was your object in what manner shall I apologise for my present disobedience-but on the contrary, if it was the effect of your delicay, how easy is it to remove my suspicions, enliven dull hours, and make me happier than I am able to express, by honouring me with the corrispondance you had given me hope of.
Please to make my Complts to Miss Fairfax and to Mr. Bryan Fairfax to whom I shall do myself the please of writing as soon as I hear he is returnd from Westmoreland. I am Madam Yr most Obedt & most Hble Servt