Introduction: Anna has been told to improve her telephone manner and has welcomed some friendly and useful advice from Denise. They practice some mock phone conversations but Anna receives a real call with a request of a personal nature. How is Anna going to respond?
Mrs Smith
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全文听写,英式拼法http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201212/201212310122349064881.mp3Hello Anna speaking.
You sound like you're sitting on a pineapple. Listen to my voice, Hello? Denise speaking.
Hello? Anna speaking.
Good. Now, when the person has introduced himself, this is Mrs Smith or whatever, say, Hello Mrs Smith, how can I help you? Or, if you know them already, you might say, Hello Mrs Smith, how are you?
Okay, what if Mrs Smith wants to speak to Tom but he's not there?
You say "I'm really sorry, he's not available at the moment. Can I take a message?" or "I'm afraid he's busy, shall I ask him to call you back?"
And, to end a conversation, you can say "Thank you for calling, goodbye." Let's do another practice.这里是Anna。