【嘉宾的"you know” "I think"直接忽略哦!】
主持人的话①"And that's followed by number three on your list of rude annoyances, which you call 'My Bubble, My Rules.' What's that mean?"
主持人的话② "Which is your next complaint about inconsiderate behavior today: we don't dare tell people they're being rude for fear of encountering even more rudeness?"
individualhttp://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201212/20121228122225315368.mp3You have all the control here. And of course what's happening is that businesses are taking advantage of the technology they have now to make us do all the work of getting in touch with them. We can't just call them up and ask for anything. We have to navigate their system.
That is people treating the outside as though it's inside, being out in public as though they are in private. And obviously having private phone calls in public places is the biggest example of that. And they're very defiant. If you were to deliberately look at them as if to say, you are in public, they would look at you with complete shock that you should dare to impinge on their privacy.
Yes. For a while I did try to say things to people, and I was so shocked by the kind of response I got, because to them, breaking into their bubble is itself very rude, and they feel justified in being very rude in return. People are not regarding themselves as a community. They just regard themselves all as individuals."