【美国人物志】曼哈顿计划的领导者:奥本海默和费米 (3/10)
罗伯特•奥本海默(J. Robert Oppenheimer,1904年4月22日—1967年2月18日),美国犹太人物理学家,曼哈顿计划的主要领导者之一,被誉为“原子弹之父”。恩里科•费米(意大利语:Enrico Fermi,1901年9月29日-1954年11月28日),美籍意大利裔物理学家,1938年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者。他被称为现代物理学的最后一位通才,对理论物理学和实验物理学均做出了重大贡献。他是量子力学和量子场论的创立者之一。他首创了弱相互作用(β衰变)的费米理论,负责设计建造了世界首座自持续链式裂变核反应堆。他还是曼哈顿计划的主要领导者。以他的名字命名的有费米黄金定则、费米-狄拉克统计、费米子、费米面、费米液体及费米常数等等。
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Harvard University
Cambridge University
Gottingen University
Max Born
Los Alamos Laboratoryhttp://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201211/20121119060514422913.mp3J. Robert Oppenheimer was born in New York City on April 22nd, 1904. Even as a boy, he showed he had unusual intelligence. As a young man he attended Harvard University, in the eastern United States, and Cambridge University in England. He earned his doctorate in physics at Gottingen University, Germany, in 1927. There he worked with the famous scientist, Max Born. By 1930, Mister Oppenheimer was teaching at two top universities on the American West Coast. His fame as a teacher spread. Soon he was teaching the best students of physics in the United States.
In 1942, Mister Oppenheimer joined the American government's project to develop the atomic bomb. He was appointed head of the Los Alamos Laboratory. Many of his former students worked for him on the project.