31.8C (90F)
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201312/201312110529347371680.mp3The chimes of Big Ben were silenced for over an hour on Friday night but the cause remains a mystery.
The Palace of Westminster's 147-year-old clock, considered to be one of the most reliable in the world, stopped at 10:07 pm.
The minute hand started to move again slowly but stalled a second time at 10:20 pm where it is reported to have remained for 90 minutes before the hands were reset.
It was thought the hot weather may have been to blame. Temperatures in London reached a high of 31.8C (90F) yesterday and forecasters declared it the hottest May day since 1953.
But an engineer at the palace said the cause was unclear. He said, "We've been told there was a minor glitch but then it was started up again."今天一位工程师说,大本钟在周五晚上沉默了一个小时至今仍然是个谜。