英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:42:48


        威尔士, 苏格兰 和爱尔兰在放弃取走他们的民族统一身份之后,统一了他们的思想,宣言要从Edward I残暴统治下独立。 苏格兰对英格兰发动战争,并请威尔士加盟一同反对他们的最高统治者。而这却导致了爱尔兰血灾。威尔士,紧接着苏格兰,一个个倒在爱德华一世的铁锤下。爱德华一世建立了自罗马以来的最强大的帝国系统。

        ❤ HINTS:




http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201312/201312070843002695322.mp3In 1304, they submitted to Edward. Well, he must have thought, that was that. Done with. Peace. A mistake. For what Edward couldn't possibly have predicted was the emergence of a Scottish lion even more ruthless than the Leopard himself. And he was, of course, the Bruce.
The strange thing, though, is when you Catholic, the formidable strengths of Robert the Bruce - his political cunning, his military ingenuity, his steely resolution, even his intermittent fits of rage - they all begin to sound, rather like the attributes of a man whose work he'd sworn to undo. Edward I. If he'd read the book of Edward's life, he would have known that lesson number one was not beat the foreigner, it was first win your battles at home.1304年们选择了臣服,爱德华一定认为,事已至此,天下太平,他错了。爱德华料想不到的是觉醒的苏格兰雄狮,比他这头英格兰猎豹更加凶残。这头雄狮就是布鲁奇怪的是,当我们悉数这位君王的种种。他那令人生畏的力量,狡猾的政治手腕,干练的军事才能。坚毅的决心,甚至那乖戾的脾气。听起来就像是在描述那位,与他誓不两立的人。爱德华一世,如果他曾研究过爱德华的生平,会发现其中的第一课便是攘外,必先安内。
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