英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:42:44



Barack Obama
Affordable Care Act/Obamacare
Kevin McCarthy
        Steny Hoyer

http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201312/201312061110355955206.mp3Two months after a healthcare.gov's unveiling, the problem-plagued website remains a work in progress despite President Barack Obama's assurances weeks ago.
“By the end of this month we anticipate that it is going to be working the way it is supposed to."
The Affordable Care Act's troubled rollout has been a major embarrassment for an administration that had been regarded as technologically-savvy.
“There's no question the rollout on the Affordable Care Act was much tougher than we expected. But I want everybody here to understand: I am going to see this through."
President Obama's approval ratings have sunk in recent weeks, and congressional Republicans, who opposed Obamacare from the start, have been energized.
Representative Kevin McCarthy. “I do not believe you can fix this law to lower the cost and increase access. We have to scrap it and start anew."
Democratic lawmakers like Steny Hoyer continue to defend the law. “I don't think Obamacare's failed. Access to Obamacare has been a failure at this point in time. And it needs to be fixed. So from that standpoint, the substance of Obamacare is yet to be tested. And to the extent it has been tested, it's been a success."
The House of Representatives gets back to work this week after a Thanksgiving break, the Senate next week. Lawmakers have until the middle of the month to agree on a federal budget. Spending authority expires in January and the United States risks another partial government shutdown unless it is extended.尽管巴拉克•奥巴马总统几周前曾作出约定改善healthcare.gov,网站上线后的两个月运作仍然漏洞百出。
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