成功的民主来自于公民辩论,Michael Sandel说-但我们对这门技艺已荒废许久。他与TED一起,带领我们进入一堂有趣的演讲,以近来美国最高法院判例(美国职业高尔夫球协会与Martin的诉讼),揭示了正义的关键本质。Sandel在哈佛教了二十多年关于正义的课程,超过一万学生听了他的课,这是哈佛有史以来听众最多的课程。2007年秋季有1115人参加了这门课。2005年秋季的课程被放到网上作为哈佛开放大学(Harvard Extension School)课程供哈佛以外的人观看。Hints:
Justice Scalia
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201311/201311120929566827111.mp3So there you have Justice Scalia taking on the Aristotelian premise of the majority's opinion. Justice Scalia's opinion is questionable for two reasons. First, no real sports fan would talk that way. If we had thought that the rules of the sports we care about are merely arbitrary, rather than designed to call forth the virtues and the excellences that we think are worthy of admiring, we wouldn't care about the outcome of the game. It's also objectionable on a second ground. On the face of it, it seemed to be -- this debate about the golf cart -- an argument about fairness, what's an unfair advantage. But if fairness were the only thing at stake, there would have been an easy and obvious solution. What would it be? Let everyone ride in a golf cart if they want to. Then the fairness objection goes away.这就是大法官斯卡利亚对于亚里士多德前提的驳论。他的论点有待商榷,原因有二。首先,没有哪个真正爱好运动的人会说出那样的话,如果我们所喜爱的运动的规则只是些随意独断的条例,而不是为了引领我们更好地欣赏体育运动的真善美和精湛技艺,那么,我们谁都不会关心比赛结果了;另外一方面是,表面上看,这似乎是一场关于高尔夫球车的辩论,一场关于公平竞争的讨论,辩论什么是不公平优待,但如果受到威胁的仅仅是比赛的公平性,那就会有一个显而易见的解决办法,是什么呢?允许每个人使用高尔夫球车,只要他们想用,这样公平公正的问题就解决了。