【一战往事】Part 4(47)不是贬职,是升职
General Perry
VIth Battalion
Sergeant Case
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201311/201311040622019638607.mp3Sit down. Captain Tietjens, I would be glad of your careful attention. This afternoon, you will receive a movement order. You are not to regard it as a disgrace. It is a promotion. I am requesting General Perry to give you the appointment of second-in-command of the VIth Battalion of his regiment. What's your medical category? Permanent base, sir. My chest is rotten. I should forget that if I were you. The second-in-command of a battalion has nothing to do but sit about in armchairs waiting for the colonel to be killed. If you say so, sir. Who is your sergeant-cook? Sergeant Case, sir. Sergeant Case? He was in the Drums when we were in Delhi. He ought to be at least a Quartermaster by now, but there was a woman he called his "Sister". He still sends money to his "Sister", sir.坐下。蒂金斯上尉,你给我听好。今天下午你会收到调任令,不是贬职,是升职。我请求佩里将军任命你为他团里第六营的副指挥。身体状况如何?没变化,长官。我的胸部很不舒服。换了我就不去管这个。军队的副指挥官只需要坐在扶手椅里等着上校牺牲就行了。听您的,长官。你的炊事员是谁?凯斯中士,长官。凯斯中士在德里的时候他就是鼓手了,现在至少也该是军需官了啊。不过他有个"妹妹"。他现在还给他"妹妹"寄钱,长官。