成功的民主来自于公民辩论,Michael Sandel说-但我们对这门技艺已荒废许久。他与TED一起,带领我们进入一堂有趣的演讲,以近来美国最高法院判例(美国职业高尔夫球协会与Martin的诉讼),揭示了正义的关键本质。Sandel在哈佛教了二十多年关于正义的课程,超过一万学生听了他的课,这是哈佛有史以来听众最多的课程。2007年秋季有1115人参加了这门课。2005年秋季的课程被放到网上作为哈佛开放大学(Harvard Extension School)课程供哈佛以外的人观看。Hints:
Justice Scalia
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201311/201311090242439178084.mp3Now, there were two dissenters, one of whom was Justice Scalia. He wouldn't have granted the cart, and he had a very interesting dissent. It's interesting because he rejected the Aristotelian premise underlying the majority's opinion. He said it's not possible to determine the essential nature of a game like golf. Here's how he put it. "To say that something is essential is ordinarily to say that it is necessary to the achievement of a certain object. But since it is the very nature of a game to have no object except amusement, that is, what distinguishes games from productive activity, it is quite impossible to say that any of a game's arbitrary rules is essential."有两位法官持不同意见,其中一位是大法官斯卡利亚,他不同意使用代步车,他反对的理由很有意思,因为他反对大多数人所认同的亚里士多德前提,他说定义高尔夫等运动的本质是一件不可能的事。他的原话是:"说某样事物是具有本质意义的,等于在说它对能否完成某目标起决定作用",但是,文娱运动的本质就是漫无目的地取乐,这是文娱活动区别于生产劳动的重要本质,所以,没有哪条体育运动规则可以称得上具有本质意义。