http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201311/201311270227561605503.mp3When paper was invented. It replaced bamboo to make a lighter fengzheng, which was named paper bird at that time.
According to historical records, emperor Liangwu of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-589 AD), used a Fengzheng to send his message for help when he was besieged in a city.
In the Song Dynasty (960-1270 AD), people loaded gunpowder on Fengzheng.
To assault the enemy is by tying a piece of kindling insence on the fuse and flying it into the sky above the enemy camp, where it exploded and caused chaos.
Then they took the advantage to launch an attack and defeat the enemy. It is thus evident that Fengzheng was originally made for military use.造纸术的发明,使制作风筝的竹料进化成了纸质,这种新发明更轻的风筝在当时被叫做“纸鸢”。据史书记载,在南北朝,梁武帝被侯景围困于台城就是通过风筝把救援信送出城外。
他们是这样用风筝进攻敌人的: 在风筝尾端不过绑上引火线,然后把风筝放飞到敌人的营地,这样爆炸后就会引起敌人营地的骚乱。