英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:42:09



        ❤ HINTS:

        Duke of York
        Duke of Somerset


http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201311/201311291208154185986.mp3From Margaret's own perspective, she was the obvious candidate to safeguard her husband's kingdom, just as her mother had governed Anjou in her father's absence. But Henry was only mentally, not physically, absent, and to the English nobles it seemed as though their French-born queen was trying to exceed her proper powers.
To Margaret's distress, the nobles turned to a council of their own, under the leadership of the Duke of York. On his orders, his rival, the Duke of Somerset, was confined to the Tower of London. But on Christmas Day 1454 Margaret was suddenly presented with a way forward. 16 months after he had last shown any sign of knowing who or where he was, King Henry suddenly returned to his senses, such as they'd ever been.
As Margaret introduced her toddling son to his astounded father for the first time, the Duke of York's caretaker regime fell apart. Somerset was released from the Tower and it seemed that the political merry-go-round was turning once again.在玛格丽特看来,她是捍卫丈夫王国的不二人选,就如她的母亲在她父亲不在时,替他看顾安茹一般。不过亨利只是精神出了问题,而不是身体残废,因此在英格兰贵族看来,他们这位在法兰西王后似乎想要越权干政。让玛格丽特感到失望的是这些贵族竟转身向自己的议会寻求帮助,那是一个在约克公爵控制下的议会,他下令把他的竞争对手萨摩赛特公爵关押到伦敦塔中。玛格丽特面前突然出现了一道奇迹,在亨利六世陷入疯狂,不知道自己是谁,身处何方的16个月以后,他突然恢复意识,就像这些事从来没发生过一样。随着玛格丽特把还在蹒跚学步的儿子,介绍给他惊愕的父亲,约克公爵的临时证券,土崩瓦解。他们把萨摩赛特从塔里放了出来,政治大转盘似乎又重新回到了起点。
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查看完整版本: 【BBC英国的那些女王们】伊莎贝拉与玛格丽特35