英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:42:05


        Chief Yahoo

http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201311/201311250709186761600.mp3It is one of just a handful of survivors of the dot-com crash although it now faces intense rivalry from firms such as Google, MSN and AOL.
Jerry Yang, who remains the firm's Chief Yahoo, is proud of what the company has achieved.
"In just one decade, the internet has changed the way consumers do just about everything, and it's been a remarkable and wonderful experience," he said.
Through it all, we wanted to build products that satisfied our users wants and needs, but it's even more than that, it's to help every one of us to discover, get more done, share and interact."尽管它现在面临着来自如谷歌,MSN和AOL公司的激烈竞争,雅虎仍然是为数不多的在竞争中存活下来的企业。
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