英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:42:05


成功的民主来自于公民辩论,Michael Sandel说-但我们对这门技艺已荒废许久。他与TED一起,带领我们进入一堂有趣的演讲,以近来美国最高法院判例(美国职业高尔夫球协会与Martin的诉讼),揭示了正义的关键本质。Sandel在哈佛教了二十多年关于正义的课程,超过一万学生听了他的课,这是哈佛有史以来听众最多的课程。2007年秋季有1115人参加了这门课。2005年秋季的课程被放到网上作为哈佛开放大学(Harvard Extension School)课程供哈佛以外的人观看。

        Casey Martin
        the Supreme Court
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201311/201311090230477617874.mp3Now, flutes may seem ... the distribution of flutes may seem a trivial case. Let's take a contemporary example of the dispute about justice. It had to do with golf. Casey Martin -- a few years ago, Casey Martin -- did any of you hear about him? He was a very good golfer, but he had a disability. He had a bad leg, a circulatory problem, that made it very painful for him to walk the course. In fact, it carried risk of injury. He asked the PGA, the Professional Golfers' Association, for permission to use a golf cart in the PGA tournaments. They said, "No. Now that would give you an unfair advantage." He sued, and his case went all the way to the Supreme Court, believe it or not, the case over the golf cart, because the law says that the disabled must be accommodated, provided the accommodation does not change the essential nature of the activity. He says, "I'm a great golfer. I want to compete. But I need a golf cart to get from one hole to the next."当然,分配笛子这种事可能看起来微不足道,让我们来看一个当代关于公平公正的争论,是关于高尔夫球的。几年以前,凯西·马丁,有人听说过他吗?他是一名非常出色的高尔夫球手,但他有一项残疾,他有条腿不好,血液循环方面的问题,导致他很难在球场上自如行走,不仅如此,他还很容易因此受伤。他请求PGA,也就是职业高尔夫协会,准许他在职业锦标赛上,使用高尔夫球车代步,这个请求被驳回了,理由是:“这样做有失公平”。马丁为此上告法院,案子一路上诉到最高法院,信不信由你,为了区区一部高尔夫球车。法律规定残疾人士必须得到适当的照顾优待,但这种优待必须在不改变活动本质的前提下。马丁说:“作为一名优秀的高尔夫球手,我希望参加比赛”,“但是我需要一部高尔夫球车,来帮助我在场上自由行动”。
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