Middle East
Saddam Hussein
Andrew Hosken
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201311/201311240412401291344.mp3There is surely money to be made in Iraq. Its proven oil reserves are the third largest in the Middle East. But since the fall of Saddam Hussein ten years ago, the severe and persistent security problems have been a huge disincentive for foreign businesses that might otherwise be tempted. Nearly 8,000 people have been killed in sectarian violence in Iraq so far this year, but nonetheless, some British companies are taking the plunge. This week, more than 50 of them set off to Baghdad to see what opportunities there might be. Our reporter Andrew Hosken has been the only British journalist to attend the trade mission in Baghdad this week, and he's been asking business executives why they are thinking of getting involved in what's been described as a "new gold rush".
Well, everyone here is keen to talk up the potential opportunities in Iraq and also to tell you just how rich this country is. I mean in terms of natural resources, Iraq is the fifth richest in the world; but of course in terms of security, it's also one of the more unstable. Around 30 people have died over the last 24 hours in bomb attacks in Iraq, mainly in Baghdad.
There are major construction programmes planned for Iraq - schools, hospitals and bridges, and huge investment is needed in water, sanitation and power systems, all offering opportunities to the UK. The UK is certainly lagging behind China, France and even Italy when it comes to investing in Iraq. Some countries are obviously more prepared to take the risks. But there's no question that the Iraqi government is also desperate for Britain to help rebuild this shattered country.伊拉克无疑是存在捞金机会的。它拥有中东地区第三大石油储备。但自从10年前萨达姆·侯赛因下台后,持续严峻的安全问题使有心投资的外国企业望而却步。今年以来,已经有大约8000人在伊拉克的宗派暴力冲突中死亡。尽管如此,一些英国公司还是想试一试。本周,他们中的50余人启程来到巴格达,寻找可能存在的投资机会。我们的报道员安德鲁·哈斯金是本周到访巴格达的贸易访问团中唯一的英国记者。他采访了企业主管人员,了解到他们为什么想参与这场“新淘金热”。