英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:41:42


成功的民主来自于公民辩论,Michael Sandel说-但我们对这门技艺已荒废许久。他与TED一起,带领我们进入一堂有趣的演讲,以近来美国最高法院判例(美国职业高尔夫球协会与Martin的诉讼),揭示了正义的关键本质。Sandel在哈佛教了二十多年关于正义的课程,超过一万学生听了他的课,这是哈佛有史以来听众最多的课程。2007年秋季有1115人参加了这门课。2005年秋季的课程被放到网上作为哈佛开放大学(Harvard Extension School)课程供哈佛以外的人观看。
        Wall Street
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201311/201311090209221367473.mp3One thing the world needs, one thing this country desperately needs is a better way of conducting our political debates. We need to rediscover the lost art of democratic argument. If you think about the arguments we have, most of the time it's shouting matches on cable television, ideological food fights on the floor of Congress. I have a suggestion. Look at all of the arguments we have these days over health care, over bonuses and bailouts on Wall Street, over the gap between rich and poor, over affirmative action and same-sex marriage. Lying just beneath the surface of those arguments, with passions raging on all sides, are big questions of moral philosophy, big questions of justice. But we too rarely articulate and defend and argue about those big moral questions in our politics. So what I would like to do today is have something of a discussion. First, let me take a famous philosopher who wrote about those questions of justice and morality, give you a very short lecture on Aristotle of ancient Athens, Aristotle's theory of justice, and then have a discussion here to see whether Aristotle's ideas actually inform the way we think and argue about questions today.有一样东西,这个世界非常需要,这个国家更是迫切需要,那就是一种更好地进行政治辩论的方法。我们需要复兴失落了的民主辩论艺术。想想时下的所谓辩论吧,大多数是电视节目中的唇枪舌战,或是国会里基于不同价值观的相互抨击。我对此有一个建议,大家看看时下的焦点话题:关于医疗保障,关于奖金制度,关于贫富差距,反对歧视和同性婚姻等等,在这些问题背后,是一些引发强烈争议的,关于伦理道德,公平正义的大是大非问题。可惜在政治辩论中,我们极少涉及或讨论这些关于伦理的大问题,所以我今天想做的,就是和大家进行一个讨论。首先,我想引用一位古希腊著名哲学家关于公正和伦理的著述,给大家一段简短的演讲。这是亚里士多德关于公正的理论,然后我们进行讨论,看看亚里士多德的理论是否验证了今天我们看待和辩论问题的方式。
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