道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟(Douglas MacArthur,1880.01.26~1964.04.05),美国著名军事家,五星上将军衔。第二次世界大战时期历任美国远东军司令,西南太平洋战区盟军司令;战后出任驻日盟军最高司令和“联合国军”总司令等职。他因在菲律宾战役中的表现获颁荣誉勋章,他和父亲小阿瑟·麦克阿瑟是史上第一对同时获得荣誉勋章的父子。Hints:
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201311/201311171228085435712.mp3The Japanese expected severe punishment. They saw MacArthur as a very conservative ruler who would make Japan suffer. MacArthur did charge some Japanese leaders with war crimes. But he did not try to punish the Japanese people. General MacArthur told the Japanese they must change, both politically and socially. He began with education. Before the war, female children in Japan received little if any education. MacArthur said education would be for everyone, including girls and women. He said women must have the right to vote in elections, and be permitted to hold political office. He said Japanese women would now have the same legal rights as men. And he said that every person had the same legal protection under the law.日本人认为会得到严重的惩罚。他们把麦克阿瑟将军视作一个保守的统治者,将会使日本受难。麦克阿瑟将军确实以战争罪起诉了日本的领导人。但他没有试图去惩罚日本的人民。麦克阿瑟将军告诉日本人他们必须改变,政治上和社会上的改变。他从教育开始变革。战前,日本的女孩子即使接受了教育也是微乎其微的程度。麦克阿瑟表示教育是为每个人准备的,包括妇女和女孩子们。他表示妇女应该在选举中有投票权,能进入政坛。他说日本女人应该和男人拥有同样的法律权利。他表示每个人都在同样的法律下得以保护。