道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟(Douglas MacArthur,1880.01.26~1964.04.05),美国著名军事家,五星上将军衔。第二次世界大战时期历任美国远东军司令,西南太平洋战区盟军司令;战后出任驻日盟军最高司令和“联合国军”总司令等职。他因在菲律宾战役中的表现获颁荣誉勋章,他和父亲小阿瑟·麦克阿瑟是史上第一对同时获得荣誉勋章的父子。Hints:
General MacArthur
World War Two
the South Pacific
Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201311/201311171224104645946.mp3Military history experts continue to study General MacArthur's decisions during World War Two. He won battle after battle in the South Pacific area. Often, he would pass islands with strong enemy forces, cut off their supplies and leave them with no chance to fight. In 1944, he returned to the Philippines with an army that defeated the Japanese.
MacArthur was chosen to accept the Japanese surrender in September, 1945. He was appointed Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers, the leader of the occupation forces that would rule Japan. As an American soldier, he had to follow the orders of the government in Washington. But in Japan, General MacArthur ruled like a dictator.军事历史学家对麦克阿瑟将军在二战期间作出的决定继续进行研究。他在太平洋战役后的一战取得胜利。他经常会穿过重兵把守的区域,然后切断他们的补给线,让他们无力反抗。1944年,他带着战胜日本的军队回到了菲律宾。麦克阿瑟将军被选中参加1945年9月的日本投降仪式。他被任命为同盟国的最高司令,统治日本地区的军队最高长官。作为美国士兵,他要听从华盛顿政府的命令。但在日本,他就像一个独裁者那样统治着他们。