Hints:Mr. Reese
$2 million
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201311/20131103110723417117.mp3Little trouble picking this lock, Mr. Reese. It's not as easy as it looks. Never mind, I'm in. No photos of family or friends. Some jazz records. Dropped out of law school, no current employer. But she buys a $2 million apartment for cash three years ago. What's she gotten herself mixed up in?她家锁好难开呢,里瑟先生。比看上去难搞多了。不过别担心,我搞定了。没有家人或朋友的照片,有几张爵士乐的唱片。法学院毕业,目前待业。但她3年前用现金买了200万的公寓。她给卷进什么麻烦了?