1308年,年仅12岁的法兰西公主伊莎贝拉嫁给了英格兰国王,成为英格兰王后。一个世纪之后,另一个年轻的法兰西女孩儿,安茹的玛格丽特,步了她的后尘。两个女人都在不知情的情况下,被卷入了混乱暴力的英格兰战争;这两个女人,都在不得已的情况下,走出幕后,力挽狂澜,控制了最终的王权。伊莎贝拉被指控谋杀,而玛格丽特的野心足以摧毁一切。其实,她们的坚持已见和毫不动摇,这些素质在男人身上就会显得正常无比,而如果是女人表现出这些素质,就会被认为是不近人情,甚至是荒谬变态的!❤ HINTS:
Edward III
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201310/20131029104633931469.mp3Which of course raised the question of what she would do with her own King. In January 1327, in a carefully stage-managed piece of political theatre, it was declared in Parliament that Edward had forfeited the allegiance of his people, and that now his son should wear the crown in his place.
In just four short months, Isabella had achieved the unthinkable. She, a Queen, had seized power to depose a crowned and anointed King for the first time in English history. To undo a coronation was no easy task, Parliament had given the act a legal gloss but to make doubly sure, Edward was forced to sign his own abdication here at Kenilworth. Now the deed was done, but could Isabella rule in her son's name while her husband still lived?
The new King Edward III was still just a teenager, so Isabella was running his government for him. But never before had England had to contend with the existence of an ex-king, alive and well, while a new King, or in this case a King's mother, ruled the country.