英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:39:18

【一战往事】Part 4(19)英国人干的好事

        0-9 Morgan
        Foreign Office
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201310/20131003014737804695.mp3You may have noticed there's an air raid. Isn't that normal this is where the war is? The Captain's on duty and can't leave the camp. I've booked you the room next to his. There's a connecting door. If Christopher is billeted at the hotel, why doesn't he sleep there? He bunks down in the hut lines. We're all working under difficult circumstances. Are we? Don't think I'm afraid of a bit of shrapnel. They ought to let my orderly room have tin hats. Headquarters are full of Huns doing the Huns' work. Do you believe that tripe? It's the English doing it. Nearly got me, surely to goodness, but I did run, I did run! All right, Thomas. You can go into shelter with the Colonial troops, if you like. No, I'll wait for my mate, 0-9 Morgan, Captain, sir. I was in for the Foreign Office before all this began. I suppose you speak seven languages. Five. And Latin and Greek, of course.你可能注意到,现在正值空袭。前线有空袭不是很正常吗?上尉正在值班,不能离开营地。我给你订了他隔壁的房间,中间有门相连。既然安排克里斯托弗住酒店,他怎么不回去?他住在营地的棚屋里。现在我们的条件都很艰苦。是吗?我可不怕这点破弹片。他们该给连部办公室配钢盔的。司令部都是些叛徒,帮着德国佬。你还信这种废话。这是英国人干的好事。差点被炸了,肯定的。但我一路跑回来的。没事了,托马斯。愿意的话你可以去殖民地军的掩体。不,我等我哥们0-9摩根,上尉长官。我之前是外交部的。那你一定会说七国语言了。五门,当然,还有拉丁和希腊语。
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