【美国习语】598 不自量力
【节目介绍】:大家只要听写出音频中的例句就可以了,本期一共四段例句。听写不需要打引号,句子间也不用编序号。音频中听到的所有习语,提交后都均可在译文部分找到。http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201310/201310251203482034011.mp3Listen son, you have a lot of responsibilities already. Are you sure you can manage football andyour studies and your job? Be careful you don't bite off more than you can chew.
Instead of waiting till I was more experienced, I went down the most difficult hill! Instead of being cautious, I bit off more than I could chew. On my way down, I lost control almost immediately and slammed into a tree and got injured.
I know this is going to make us very unpopular with the voters, but we have no choice. There is no other way to pay for everything except to raise income taxes. We'll just have to bite the bullet.
It's so difficult to break up with someone you care about, but our relationship is just getting worse. Telling her is going to be painful but I'm just going to have to bite the bullet.苏明,这两天可把我累坏了。你做了什么会累成这个样子呀?我正在加紧训练,准备参加下个月的马拉松比赛。就是那每年一次的42公里马拉松?是啊,我以前每个星期跑3次,每次5公里,现在每天都要跑10公里。
10公里?我看你有点不自量力,就像一个美国习惯用语说的:bite off more than one can chew。Bite就是咬;chew是嚼,如果一口咬得太多,那就嚼不了了。所以Bite off more than one can chew,也就是不自量力。
例句-1:Listen son, you have a lot of responsibilities already. Are you sure you can manage football andyour studies and your job? Be careful you don't bite off more than you can chew.
苏明,我肯定你不知道to bite off more than one can chew这个习惯用语的出处。那到是,我真的不知道。美国棒球比赛时,有的运动员嘴里嚼着东西,然后吐到地上。我知道,他们嚼的是一种烟草。这跟bite off more than you can chew有什么关系呀?有关系。这个习惯用语是在19世纪末期出现的。当时的意思就是提醒运动员不要把嘴里塞满了烟草,以免嚼起来不舒服。原来如此。有的棒球运动员和有些农民现在还有嚼烟草的习惯,只是不像以前那么常见了。
下面我们再来听一个例句。这是讲一个人在说他学滑雪的经历。他刚刚学会滑雪就从很陡的山坡上往下滑, 结果受了伤。
例句-2:Instead of waiting till I was more experienced, I went down the most difficult hill! Instead of being cautious, I bit off more than I could chew. On my way down, I lost control almost immediately and slammed into a tree and got injured.
这个人说:我在没有足够经验的情况下就从那最难滑的山坡上滑下来! 我本应小心谨慎,但是我不自量力。下坡的时候,我几乎立即失去控制,结果撞到一棵树上受了伤。
苏明,除了练马拉松练得我腿疼以外, 我的牙也疼得要命。可我就是怕去看牙医。 牙痛不去看医生只会越来越严重的。我看你还是去看牙医。你说的对,看来我真得咬紧牙关去治一下。对,就像一个美国习惯用语说的: to bite the bullet. Bullet就是子弹。Bite the bullet的字面意思就是:咬住子弹。作为习惯用语,bite the bullet就是咬紧牙关忍受痛苦,或是硬着头皮做不愉快的事情。
例句-3:I know this is going to make us very unpopular with the voters, but we have no choice. There is no other way to pay for everything except to raise income taxes. We'll just have to bite the bullet.
Bite the bullet这个习惯用语和打仗有关。据说过去战时治疗伤员的时候没有麻药,只好让他们咬着子弹,而且这个子弹还必须是铅作的。为什么一定是铅作的呢?铅比较软,伤员的牙齿不会受伤。如果是坚硬的其他金属,伤员的牙齿就可能被咬碎呀。原来是这个原因。让我们再来听一个例句。这是一个想和妻子分手的人在诉说他心里的痛苦。
例句-4:It's so difficult to break up with someone you care about, but our relationship is just getting worse. Telling her is going to be painful but I'm just going to have to bite the bullet.
这个人说:要跟一个你很关怀的人分手是很困难的, 但是我们的关系越来越坏。告诉她我的想法是会非常痛苦的, 但我也只能硬着头皮这么做了。