1308年,年仅12岁的法兰西公主伊莎贝拉嫁给了英格兰国王,成为英格兰王后。一个世纪之后,另一个年轻的法兰西女孩儿,安茹的玛格丽特,步了她的后尘。两个女人都在不知情的情况下,被卷入了混乱暴力的英格兰战争;这两个女人,都在不得已的情况下,走出幕后,力挽狂澜,控制了最终的王权。伊莎贝拉被指控谋杀,而玛格丽特的野心足以摧毁一切。其实,她们的坚持已见和毫不动摇,这些素质在男人身上就会显得正常无比,而如果是女人表现出这些素质,就会被认为是不近人情,甚至是荒谬变态的!❤ HINTS:
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201310/201310201246332923797.mp3This was the moment Isabella had been waiting for. When her son arrived on French soil, her position was transformed. As Edward's consort, there had been little she could do. But with her son beside her, she could speak and act as the mother of the heir to the throne in the face of her husband's tyranny. She'd been waiting for her chance and now she took it.
With his son, Edward sent an instruction that his wife should return home, but Isabella had no intention of doing any such thing. And we know exactly the reason she gave.
The manuscript of the greatest chronicle of the reign, the Vita Edwardi Secundi, is long lost - but its text has been passed down through the centuries. And here, in this modern translation, we hear Isabella's voice speaking for the first time. Until now, she'd been a supporting player in the unfolding drama. But now, she moved to the centre of the stage as she replied to her husband with open defiance.