【一战往事】Part 4(8)申请灭火器
Hints:General Campion
Captain McKechnie
"A Vice-Chancellor's Latin prize man"
Royal Engineers
1BDR 3417
Infantry Base Depot
War Office
Cardiff Police Office
0-9 Morgan
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201309/201309091227285908158.mp3General Campion is attaching Captain McKechnie to my unit for rations and discipline. What's that about? I can't say as I can say, sir. "A Vice-Chancellor's Latin prize man". Well, I'm sure that will come in useful. Fire-extinguishers. We indented the Royal Engineers. Sir. The Royal Engineers said, as per army directive 1BDR 3417, for fire-extinguishers, we should apply to Ordnance. Ordnance said there's no provision for fire-extinguishers for Canadian units passing through an Infantry Base Depot, and that the proper course would be to obtain them from a civilian firm and charge them against barrack damages. Yes, sir. I have here a letter from the leading British manufacturer of fire-extinguishers, telling me that they have been forbidden by the War Office to sell fire-extinguishers to anyone but to the War Office direct. Thank God we have a navy. Yes, sir. Cardiff Police Office... 0-9 Morgan is outside, sir.堪佩恩将军要派麦凯尼上尉来我这里。分配口粮,训练新兵,这是怎么回事?我不清楚,长官。曾获得副大法官拉丁文奖。真是有用的技能。灭火器。我们向皇家工兵部队要的。是的,长官。皇家工兵部队说,按照军规1BDR,3417条,我们应该向军械所申请灭火器。军械所说不能向途经步兵基地站的加拿大部队提供灭火器,正规程序是从私营公司购买,按军营损毁费报销。是,长官。我收到一封来自英国灭火器制造大亨的信,告诉我说陆军部已经禁止他们向其他人销售灭火器,只能售给陆军部。幸好我们还有海军。是的,长官。加的夫警局。0-9摩根在外面,长官。