英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:37:01



        ❤ HINTS:



        Frans Banning Cocq

http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201309/201309231112501006291.mp3So why has this image of a bunch of part-time Dutch militia men become one of the word's most famous artworks? Celebrated even in songs, what stories does it have to tell and why did Rembrandt decide to paint it in the first place?
In the 17th century this building in Amsterdam was the meeting place of the Kloveniers or musketeers-militia guild. It was called the Kloveniersdoelen. Here, Frans Banning Cocq and his men socialised, and practiced on their shooting-range. It was the civic militia's job to defend the city from attack and to maintain law and order on the streets. But by the time of the painting the job had become largely ceremonial. The guardsmen dressed up and paraded on festive occasions but the only real qualification required was a healthy appetite.
As far as the practical original purposes, are concerned namely defence against the enemy attack and also protection of the city against fire and so on, there was very little that was asked of the members at that time. They came together. They had a good time. They had extensive meals and I'm sure they had a good glass of wine.这幅描绘一群荷兰兼职民兵的画,为何会变得举世闻名?甚至有人作曲歌咏,它诉说着什么样的故事?林布阑当时创作的动机又是什么?
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