英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:36:54


        1066年之后,Angevin王朝征服了,Schama(作者)说“征服所迎得的是混乱、屠杀、饥荒、勒索”。留在英国人心里的是亨利2世,那个建立了延续到今日的法律体制和城市服务的男人。尽管被人们记忆最深的是他谋杀了最powerful的烈士Thomas Becket。在亨利的四个儿子中,两个当了国王。其中Richard对他的父亲宣战并在十字军东征中被捕,而John的失败则是被他的男爵鼓动印刷了Magna Carta。

        ❤ HINTS:


http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201309/201309211204191474545.mp3And instead of bolting, Thomas proceeded to the Cathedral for vespers. He made sure the door was open to receive the congregation. He had chosen his place. He had written in his mind his last and greatest performance. They caught up with him here, in the north transept of the Cathedral. And Becket must have seen right away for they meant business, because they were got up in the standard kit of terrorist thugs, face and head covered, chain mail, of course. They were carrying naked swords, and shouting, "Where is the traitor?" And Becket replied, "Here I am, no traitor to the King, but a priest of God." The Archbishop seemed calm, but no one else was. His attendants, all except two, disappeared into the shadows of the church.托马斯非但没有逃跑,他还着手开始大教堂内的晚祷。他敞开大门,迎接前来的教堂会众,他选择了自己的归宿,他心中早已一清二楚,他最后也是最伟大的殉道。他们在大教堂北耳堂找到了他。贝克特肯定一下看穿了他们的意图,因为他们已然装扮成了恐怖的暴徒。头戴头盔,当然,还身穿锁子甲,挥舞着出鞘的剑,他们叫嚣着,"叛国贼快出来"。贝克特回应道,"我在这里,不是国王的背叛者,只是上帝的神父"。大主教很平静,而其他人则不然,除了两个人,他的所有随从全都逃进了教堂的阴影深处。
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