Dynasty(1087~1216)1066年之后,Angevin王朝征服了,Schama(作者)说“征服所迎得的是混乱、屠杀、饥荒、勒索”。留在英国人心里的是亨利2世,那个建立了延续到今日的法律体制和城市服务的男人。尽管被人们记忆最深的是他谋杀了最powerful的烈士Thomas Becket。在亨利的四个儿子中,两个当了国王。其中Richard对他的父亲宣战并在十字军东征中被捕,而John的失败则是被他的男爵鼓动印刷了Magna Carta。
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201309/201309141042303766804.mp3Pretty soon, though, Henry began to use his own formidable power to turn the screws on Becket's supporters. There were arraignments and arrests, terrifyingly sudden summary of evictions, the seizure of land and property. Anyone, anyone who so much as thought about saying a good word for the traitor Archbishop risked, at the very least, deportation. Messengers caught carrying his mail were thrown into prison. Innocent relatives, incriminated by family association, were turned into exiles themselves.
It took two painful years of back-and-forth diplomacy and increasingly impatient signals from the Pope to arrange even talks about talks. After a series of abortive reconciliations in 1170, it looked as though peace might finally break out.但不久以后,亨利开始动用自己强大的力量,打击贝克特的支持者们,很多人被传讯和逮捕。一时间,驱逐的阴霾席卷而来,土地和财产被没收。只要有人,不论是谁,想要为叛徒大主教说好话,都会至少遭到被放逐的威胁,被搜到怀揣他信件的信使被送进监狱。无辜的亲属,作为同犯,而被流放他乡,经过两年纠结的反复交涉。教皇也开始愈加不耐烦,甚至不想安排会谈。1170年,经过一系列失败的调解,和平终究将被打破。