英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:35:44

【美国人物志】 芭芭拉·麦克林托克(7/10)

http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201308/201308310321563287154.mp3McClintock confirmed her discovery and extended her observations for six years. The changes could not be explained by any known theory. So, she developed her own theory. She believed the moveable genes were not genes at all, but genetic controllers or controlling elements. She said they influenced the actions of other genes. During this period, McClintock was elected to the National Academy of Sciences. She was the third woman ever so honored. She also was named president of the Genetics Society of America.麦克林托克用了六年的时间确认和进一步发展自己的发现。这些变化不能被任何已知的学说解释。所以她发展了自己的学说。她相信可转移的基因根本不是基因,而是基因的控制者,或者控制元素。她表示他们会控制其他基因的行为。在那段时期,麦克林托克被评选为美国科学院院士,她是第三位获此殊荣的女性。她同时被称为是美国基因界的领头人。
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查看完整版本: 【美国人物志】 芭芭拉·麦克林托克(7/10)