英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:35:40

【美国习语】548 誉满全球,发家致富

        Mr. Sanders
        Colonel Sanders Kentucky Fried Chicken
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201309/201309050431053083048.mp3This man fried up chicken with his own secret recipe of spices. And rapidly its fame spread through the South and then the whole country. Mr. Sanders hit it big. Now Colonel Sanders Kentucky Fried Chicken has shops around the world.
Bruce and Betty really hit it off right away. They started seeing each other, then after a year or so decided to get married. Now, six years later, they have four kids and are just about as close to each other as two people could be.
Want to know what hits the spot with me when I get back from running, all hot and thirsty? A great big glass of iced tea with a squeeze of lemon in it. There's nothing as refreshing after good hard exercise - it sure hits the spot!今天要学的习惯用语都包括hit这个词。 Hit常常解释为“打击”,但是也有“偶然碰到”的意思。今天要学的第一个习惯用语是:hit it big,。有的人猜测hit it big这个习惯用语也来自棒球运动。
当然现在这个习惯用语被广泛应用到日常生活的各个方面了。Hit it big在日常生活中的意思是获得很大的成功,一般是用在赚钱方面。我们听个例子来领会它的意思吧。这段话说的是一件真人真事。
例句-1:This man fried up chicken with his own secret recipe of spices. And rapidly its fame spread through the South and then the whole country. Mr. Sanders hit it big. Now Colonel Sanders Kentucky Fried Chicken has shops around the world.
为什么称他为上校呢?他又没有在军队里服役过!那是因为Sanders的特殊成就,肯塔基州州长授予他荣誉上校的称号,这不是军衔,也没有上校的权力。但是有这个称号是值得骄傲的。 今天在世界各个角落你都可能会看到这位大胡子Sanders上校在装炸鸡的纸盒或者纸筒上向你微笑,说Sanders先生誉满全球毫不过份,当然他也因而发家致富。 Mr. Sanders hit it big这句话就表达这样的意思。
今天要学的第二个习惯用语是:hit it off。 Hit it off用来说人与人之间性情相投,而且可以用来描述任何种类的人际关系,包括一般友情和婚恋关系。
我们听个例子。这位先生说的是一对男女之间的关系。他的老朋友Bruce比他晚几年来到这个城市,人生地不熟,于是他把Bruce介绍给自己相熟的朋友,其中包括当老师的Betty。我们听听后来的进展,特别注意里面的习惯用语hit it off :
例句-2:Bruce and Betty really hit it off right away. They started seeing each other, then after a year or so decided to get married. Now, six years later, they have four kids and are just about as close to each other as two people could be.
这里的习惯用语hit it off用来说人和人相互合得来。
今天要学的第三个习惯用语是:hit the spot。 Spot这个词常常解释为地点,但是有时候也有“目标”的意思。在hit the spot这个习惯用语里spot这个词的意思是目标。
我们听个例子来领会这个习惯用语的意思吧。这位先生在炎炎夏日刚跑完步回来。我们听他说说在这当口上什么东西最合他的心意,注意他话里用了两次习惯用语hit the spot:
例句-3:Want to know what hits the spot with me when I get back from running, all hot and thirsty? A great big glass of iced tea with a squeeze of lemon in it. There's nothing as refreshing after good hard exercise - it sure hits the spot!
冰冻柠檬水显然是又热又渴的人一心向往的东西,可见这里的习惯用语hit the spot表示令人心满意足,或者说是“正中下怀”。
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