英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:35:21


Google Glass
John Simpson
Consumer Watchdog
Chris Barrett
校对: ciciwonder
翻译&注解: annmar
组长: zpdslshhz
答疑: fwlclover
发音点评: 岩见泽
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201308/201308301123269682954.mp3The professor's Google Glass looks like bright orange glasses, without the actual glass. But there is a tiny rectangular glass at the top right-hand corner. Through that glass, she has been recording video while biking. She also has been able to talk to her sister in Thailand, and she plans to use the device to teach a public speaking class.
But not everyone is excited about Google Glass. Some are concerned about possible risks to privacy. John Simpson is the director of the privacy project at Consumer Watchdog.
Google says that it has already addressed that concern. Mr. Dale explained that in order to start the camera or record a video, the owner must say something out loud.
But filmmaker Chris Barrett showed just how easy it is to record people without them knowing it. His glass captured a man getting arrested after a fight. He shared the video on YouTube.
Also some are concerned about the use of facial recognition technology on Google Glass. But Google says it will not approve the use of such applications. The Internet company says it is still testing its new device. It hopes to make Google Glass available to the public by early next year.(道金斯)教授的谷歌眼镜看上去就像是没有实际镜片的亮橙色眼镜(框),而实际上在眼镜右上角有个长方形的微型镜片。通过这个镜片,她可以边骑车边录像,还能与远在泰国的妹妹通话。她计划用该设备来教授一堂公共演讲课。
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