英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:33:32

【BBC地球脉动】富饶丛林 10

http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201308/201308140459063644896.mp3In the middle of the day little stirs in the jungle and the hot dense air muffles the sound. As the afternoon wears on, a different set of players begin to warm up. Insects work in harmony, timing their calls to fall between the notes of others. Many singers stick to precise schedules and right on cue the six o'clock cicadae. Night brings out a whole new orchestra. The cacophony of competing calls seems deafening to us but frogs ears are tuned to hear only the calls of their own kind. The songs of courtship echo from all around. Male gliding leaf frogs leap from the treetops. To slow their descent, they use their huge webbed feet as parachutes.中午时分丛林里很少有声响,炽热浓重的空气压抑了声音的传播。随着下午的时光慢慢消逝,另一批演员开始准备登场。昆虫发出了和谐的声音,在其它动物曲调的间隙时刻响起了它们的歌声。许多歌唱者遵守严格的时刻表。现在整六点是蝉在叫。全新的管弦乐队闪亮登场,各种动物竞相发出的刺耳声音,使人感到震耳欲聋。只能听到同类的叫声,求爱的歌声来自四面八方。雄性栗红眼蛙从树顶上跳了下来,为了减缓下降的速度它们用自己巨大的蹼足当做降落伞。
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