英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:33:24

【BBC地球脉动】富饶丛林 9

        siamang gibbon

http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201308/201308130522481881096.mp3The calls of the siamang gibbons begin as a duet between the dominant male and female. The rest of their families soon join in, and it results in a frenzy of activity. The calls can carry over a mile, and their message is clear. They tell any neighbouring siamangs: This is our territory. Keep out. Up here the calls of siamang gibbons seem to dominate the airwaves but with the jungle's incredible diversity there are countless others trying to be heard too. Every layer seems to beat to a different tune. In the early morning the forest's chorus is particularly rich. Sounds travel further in the cooler air. But few calls can penetrate as far through the dense vegetation as this one the deep bass solo of a male orangutan.马来亚长臂猿的吼叫以同一家族雄雌家长的二重唱开始。家族中的其它成员很快加入了进来,结果是一阵疯狂的行动。叫声可以传播一两公里之外,其用意是很清楚的,它们告诉其它家族的马来亚长臂猿这是我们的地盘,不许闯入。在这里马来亚长臂猿的叫声似乎控制了整个空间,但是还有许多动物也想使自己的声音让其它动物听到。它有7个嗷嗷待哺的孩子,都响着不同的曲子,森林中的合唱在凌晨尤为丰富多彩。在凉爽的空气中声音传播得也更远,但是很少的叫声能像这种声音在浓密的丛林里传播得如此之远。
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