英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:33:12


        主持人的话① AA: "Like, 'I reckon I'll go in when the sun gets too hot.'"
        主持人的话②RS: Same with some other terms that might strike Americans as funny.
        主持人的话③AA: And, it's not just words that set American and British speakers apart.
       San Francisco
        PS:嘉宾的有you know 直接忽略不需要听写~
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201308/20130809011204791502.mp3more common in regional varieties of American English. You know, like in England, it's quite common to say reckon, which in American English is quite unusual, or you might here it in the South perhaps or in more old-fashioned contexts.
Yeah, and people in England say it sort of quite seriously, without meaning it to be funny or ironic or anything like that.
If you go shopping, for example, you don't really want to take a trolley which is what Americans ride around in on the street, like say in San Francisco. Here you would rather use a shopping cart when you go to do your groceries.
Speakers of British English have to be very conscious of the fact that British accents are quite incomprehensible to Americans at times. I know from experience my husband, who's British, has a horrible time ordering water in restaurants.你有眼镜,你有长裤。他们往往是样的东西,可能是多见于美式英语的区域性品种。你知道,像在英国,这是很常见的说估计,在美国英语中是相当不寻常的,你可能会在这里也许在南方或更老式背景。
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