【美国习语】518 替罪羔羊
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201308/201308031027332974310.mp3He claims he was the whipping boy in the air base scandal. Well, it's probably true. He was only a captain and he had to obey the colonel's orders. I think the colonel is the real guilty party.
Tom says his mother uses him as the whipping boy at home. She's an alcoholic and whenever his dad gets mad at her for getting drunk, she turns all her anger at him onto her son.
Unless I crack the whip, he doesn't do anything, even brush his teeth these days. This is a big change - he used to be such a good helper and so well organized and hard-working.
I hate the way the boss cracks the whip at us. He just told us, 'From now on you have to submit a written slip to me before you take more than an hour off. Without this, I'll regard you as AWOL.'今天要学的习惯用语都包括这个词:whip。 Whip可以当名词,解释为鞭子,但是它也可以是动词,意思是鞭打,而且通常是惩罚性的鞭打。今天要学的第一个习惯用语是: whipping boy。Whipping boy这个说法来自十六世纪的英国。当时的传统是在宫廷里专门设一名whipping boy, 当小王子任性行为不检点,不得不处罚他的时候,这个whipping boy就得代替王子挨鞭打。
随着英国皇室日渐开明,whipping boy早已不存在了,但是这个历史遗迹却留在英语中。它用来比喻什么呢?我们听个例子吧。这段话是关于一名年青的空军上尉。他在军内的一宗丑闻案中遭到了不公正的指控。
例句-1:He claims he was the whipping boy in the air base scandal. Well, it's probably true. He was only a captain and he had to obey the colonel's orders. I think the colonel is the real guilty party.
从这段话可见whipping boy这个习惯用语被用来比喻任何为他人担当罪责、代人受过的人。
再来听个也使用了whipping boy这个习惯用语的例子。这段话描述一个可怜的孩子不幸的家庭生活。
例句-2:Tom says his mother uses him as the whipping boy at home. She's an alcoholic and whenever his dad gets mad at her for getting drunk, she turns all her anger at him onto her son.
母亲自知理亏,当然不能冲父亲发火,却把火发在Tom身上,可见这里的whipping boy是指受气包或者替罪羊。
今天要学的第二个习惯用语是: crack the whip。 Crack the whip原本的意思是打响鞭,也就是挥动鞭子发出清脆响亮的爆裂一般的声音。
例句-3:Unless I crack the whip, he doesn't do anything, even brush his teeth these days. This is a big change - he used to be such a good helper and so well organized and hard-working.
这里crack the whip这个习惯用语意思是管教或者提出口头警告。
例句-4:I hate the way the boss cracks the whip at us. He just told us, 'From now on you have to submit a written slip to me before you take more than an hour off. Without this, I'll regard you as AWOL.'
这段话里的习惯用语crack the whip意思显然是耍威风。