【美国习语】514 一只苍蝇坏了一锅粥
Mr. Lee
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201308/201308011036277406895.mp3It was a real gorgeous day to go to the beach, sunny, breezy and the temperature was about 78. But the fly in the ointment was that Mike and I both cut our feet on some sharp coral.
The company's financial report isn't due until next Friday. But the boss has ants in his pants and wants us to have it all ready Tuesday. How does he think only the three of us can do it?
Sitting there at my sister's wedding dinner, I had butterflies in my stomach because I knew I'd have to stand up and make a speech to 200 guests. You know, I could feel my knees knocking!
Mr. Lee has a bee in his bonnet. He spends all his time in his basement trying to build a machine to generate free power forever and replace electricity and all other sources of power the world uses at such high cost.我们上次学了由bug,昆虫,这个词发展而来的习惯用语。今天要讲的习惯用语其中的关键词也是昆虫,而且有趣的是它们还是各不相同的昆虫。
今天要讲的几个习惯用语却显然表示人们对身边那些虫子的恶感。比方说,今天要学的第一个习惯用语: fly in the ointment。 Fly是苍蝇,ointment是油膏或者药膏。可想而知小小的苍蝇掉进了一缸油膏里,可不是把好好的油膏全糟蹋了吗?由此可以推想fly in the ointment这个习惯用语必定指虽小却搅了全局的东西或事情。
我们听听在下面的例子里什么是fly in the ointment,或者说什么是一次海滨之游中败兴的事儿。
例句-1:It was a real gorgeous day to go to the beach, sunny, breezy and the temperature was about 78. But the fly in the ointment was that Mike and I both cut our feet on some sharp coral.
他说:那天真是去海滨的好时光:阳光明媚、微风拂人,而气温大约七十八度。 但是叫人败兴的是Mike和我的脚都被尖锐的珊瑚刮破了。
这段话里的the fly in the ointment显然指他俩被珊瑚刮破脚那回事儿。换句话说就是令人扫兴的美中不足的事情。
再学个特别生动形象的习惯用语: ants in one's pants。 Ants in one's pants要是直译就是蚂蚁爬到一个人的裤子里。谁都能想象这种让人坐立不安的尴尬处境。它唯妙唯肖地表现一个人紧张不安、神经质的状况。听个例子吧。它说的是个领导人正为准备一份报告而焦灼不安。
例句-2:The company's financial report isn't due until next Friday. But the boss has ants in his pants and wants us to have it all ready Tuesday. How does he think only the three of us can do it?
这位领导在人力不足的情况下,还要求手下人提前完成工作,可见那报告真是让他焦灼不安,所以ants in one's pants是用来描述人焦灼烦躁的心情的。
再学个习惯用语: butterflies in one's stomach。 Butterflies是蝴蝶,这美丽的小东西人见人爱,但是如果它们到你的肚子里上下翻飞的话,那可不是好滋味。Butterflies in one's stomach有点象中国俗语: 心里挂着十五个吊桶,七上八下。它描绘人心神不宁、忐忑不安。听个例子吧。那是一位新娘胆小怕羞的哥哥正描绘自己在公众场合讲话前的心理状态:
例句-3:Sitting there at my sister's wedding dinner, I had butterflies in my stomach because I knew I'd have to stand up and make a speech to two hundred guests. You know, I could feel my knees knocking!
这里的butterflies in my stomach显然表现忐忑不安的心情。
今天最后要学的习惯用语是: bee in one's bonnet。 Bonnet通常指妇女儿童遮太阳的帽子,常用带子在下巴底下系住,也可以指男子的无边圆帽。Bee in one's bonnet,这个习惯用语来自男女老少惯常都戴着帽子外出的年代,在帽子下面的当然是脑袋。 如果是蜜蜂在帽里的话,那就不合常理了。
此外,bee这个词有一种解释是执着的怪念头,甚至是异想天开的想法。好,我们听个例子。这段话在说Mr. Lee如醉如痴地想发明永动机,一心以为自己正为全人类谋福利。
例句-4:Mr. Lee has a bee in his bonnet. He spends all his time in his basement trying to build a machine to generate free power forever and replace electricity and all other sources of power the world uses at such high cost.
这是李先生的美妙幻想。他为此付出了全部时间精力,然而他却是在异想天开,可见这里说他: has a bee in his bonnet,意思是头脑里有个固执而又古怪的想法。