http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201307/201307240945426748526.mp3Because of the work that's been done at the CFPB over the past two years, today, mortgage lenders, student lenders, payday lenders, and credit reporting and debt collection agencies all face greater scrutiny. And if they don't play by the rules, you now have somewhere to go to get some measure of justice. In fact, the CFPB has already addressed more than 175,000 complaints from every state. Today, as part of the CFPB's “Know Before You Owe" efforts, students and their parents can get a simple report with the information they need to make informed decisions before taking out student loans - and more than 700 colleges have stepped up to make this information clear and transparent. And if you've noticed that some credit card forms are actually easier to understand than they used to be, that's because of the work that Rich's team and others in the Administration have done. Today, veterans have the tools they need to defend against dishonest lenders and mortgage brokers who try to prey on them when they come home.由于过去两年消费者金融保护局的工作,抵押贷款放贷人、学生贷款放贷人、发薪日贷款放贷人、信誉评级机构和讨债机构都面临更加严格的审查。如果他们不遵守规则,你现在有地方去讨回公道了。事实上,消费者金融保护机构处理了全国各州超过175,000件投诉。今天,作为消费者金融保护局任务的一部分的“事先知情”努力,学生们和他们的家长们可以得到他们要做出知情决定需要的信息的简单易懂的材料,然后在借学生贷款—超过700所大学采取措施使之清晰透明。如果你已经感到有些信用卡的表格比过去确实容易懂了,那就是因为Rich的团队和政府其它部门工作的结果。今天,退伍军人们有了防卫在他们退伍后觊觎他们的不诚信贷款人和抵押贷款经纪人的利器。