英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:31:36

【BBC罗马:永恒之城的历史】圣城重生 36

        Benito Mussolini
Lateran Pact
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201307/20130718010438464247.mp3The papacy and the kingdom would be in a stand-off for 60 years. Surprisingly, the man who solved the problem was the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. Mussolini understood the popularity of the Church would add to the legitimacy of his fascist regime. So in 1929, he signed the Lateran Pact with the Pope, that created the Vatican state. The border is right here. Now, I'm standing in the Republic of Italy, and when I cross the line, now I'm standing in the Vatican state, the Pope's own country. The Vatican state became the world's smallest nation. At just 0.2 square miles, the new papal state was a miniature of its former glories. But it meant that the Pope could lead his billion global Catholics as an independent priest monarch. Now, for the first time in Roman history, secular and sacred power were separate in one Holy City.在之后60年里教皇和王国之间处于僵持状态。令人惊奇的是化解这个僵局的人居然是法西斯独裁者贝尼托墨索里尼。墨索里尼懂得教会的力量能给他的法西斯独裁通知带来合法地位。1929年,他和教皇签订了《拉特兰条约》,因为这个条约,梵蒂冈独立。意大利-梵蒂冈国界就在这里。看,如今我正长在意大利共和国过境内,如果我跨过这条线,我便站在梵蒂冈境内了——这个教皇统治的国度。梵蒂冈是世界上最小的国家。面积仅有0.2平方英里。新的教皇之国是过去教皇之国之辉煌之缩影。但是这意味着教皇作为教士之君统帅这世上上十亿的天主教徒。如此,在罗马这座神圣之城的历史上世俗力量与宗教力量首次被分割开来。
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