英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:31:27


        RS: "And that phrase again is."
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201307/201307211005007848343.mp3I think we have a real neat dialect and I hear it dying, especially when you visit the larger towns. We're very close to Huntsville, Alabama, and we're not too far from Atlanta or Birmingham, and when you visit those places a lot of the locals you can not even tell are Southerners anymore. And that's sad to me. But then, as I used in the example to you in an e-mail, you will hear those people who are very proud of their Southern heritage and don't hesitate to use it.
I heard one woman say, she was asking about someone's family, and said, How's your mom and them? Well, tell em I said how-do. And that's just such a neat expression to me.
Well, what she said was how's your mom and them? which means how is your family?it's your momma and them and tell em I said how-do, which is howdy-do or how are you, hello, I'm thinking about you. Just a good, all-purpose phrase that means several different things.我认为我们有一个真正的整齐的方言,我听到它快死了,尤其是当你访问较大的城镇。我们非常接近阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔,我们不太远,从亚特兰大或伯明翰,当你访问了很多的当地人,你甚至不能告诉那些地方是南方人了。这就是我伤心。但是,为我所用,例如在一封邮件,你会听到这些人谁是南遗产,不要犹豫,使用它非常自豪。
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