英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:31:11


http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201307/201307190858144871691.mp3That's what immigration reform would mean for our economy - but only if we act. If we don't do anything to fix our broken system, our workforce will continue to shrink as baby boomers retire. We won't benefit from highly-skilled immigrants starting businesses and creating jobs here.American workers will have to make due with lower wages and fewer protections. And without more immigrants and businesses paying their fair share in taxes, our deficit will be higher and programs like Social Security will be under more strain. We've been debating this issue for more than a decade - ever since President Bush first proposed the broad outlines of immigration reform - and I think he gave a very good speech this past week expressing his hope that a bipartisan, comprehensive bill can become law. If Democrats and Republicans - including President Bush and I - can agree on something, that's a pretty good place to start. Now the House needs to act so I can sign commonsense immigration reform into law. And if you agree, tell your Representatives that now is the time. Call or email or post on their Facebook walls and ask them to get this done.Because together, we can grow our economy and keep America strong for years to come.
Thanks, and have a great weekend.这就是移民改革对我们经济的意义-但是我们只有行动才能实现。如果我们不采取措施修补我们的体制,我们的劳动力就会随着婴儿潮时代出生的人们的退休而继续萎缩。我们将不能享受具有高技能的移民们创业及创造就业机会所带来的利益。美国工人将被迫与低工资和低保障相伴。没有更多移民和他们的企业支付的那份税收,我们的赤字就更高,诸如社保之类的项目将过紧日子。我们为这件事已经喋喋不休的争论超过10年,可以追溯到布什总统首次提出宽泛的移民改革大纲-我认为他在上周的讲话很好,他在讲话中表达了对两党兼顾的综合改革法案成为法律的希望。如果包括布什总统和我在内的民主党人和共和党人能就某些事达成共识,这就是最佳起点。现在众议院应该立刻行动,这样我就可以签署这一普遍综合改革法案成为法律。如果你们赞同,那么给你们的议员打电话或发E-mail或在他们的Facebook上留言,告诉他们现在是行动的时候了。因为只有我们齐心协力,我们才能发展经济并且使美国在未来保持强大。谢谢大家,祝你们周末愉快。
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查看完整版本: 【奥巴马演讲】总统呼吁各方努力通过移民改革法案(3/3)