筒子们~本次全文听写。piapia~~~ \(^o^)/~
representative= reprs. discipline= dspl. assigne= asig
professional (such as medicine or law) 有括号,解释说明的= pro.
program= prog. degree= deg. minimum= min.
Bachelor= Bchl. undergraduate= un-grad. coursework= CWk.
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201307/201307200327054248999.mp3The applicant also may be required to have a personal interview with a representative from the admission's office. After applicants have successfully been enrolled, they may receive a liberal education in most of the universities, which means students are required to take courses across several disciplines before they specialize in a major field of study. Graduate and professional (such as medicine or law) programs are specialized. At the university level, most courses are only one semester long. Each course is assigned a number of credit hours. Credit hours are usually based on how much time is spent in class. Most courses are three credits. However, some courses may be one, two, four or five credits. All degree programs require students to complete a minimum number of credit hours before graduation. Most Bachelor's degree programs in the United States do not require students to write a final thesis. Selection for admission to a graduate program is based on several criteria. These include completion of a Bachelor's degree, the student's undergraduate coursework, and their GPA. Students are also expected to write an essay as part of their application or submit a writing sample.申请人也可能需要参加招生办公室安排的个人面试。申请人成功地被录取后,多数的大学会传授普通教育,就是说这些学生在开始专门研究一个专业研究领域之前必须要选修多个跨学科的课程。研究生和专业项目(如医学或法律)都是专业和专门设定的。在大学阶段,大多数课程都是只有一个学期。每门课都有一定的学分。通常学分是根据出勤情况而定的。大多数课程都是三个学分。然而,有些课程可能是一个,两个,四个或五个学分。所有学位课程要求学生毕业前得到学校要求的最低学分。大多数学士学位项目在美国不需要学生写最后的论文。同意进行项目研究的选择是基于若干标准。这些包括完成学士学位,学生的本科课程,和在校成绩。学生也将写一篇论文或提交一个写作范例作为申请研究项目程序的一部分。
翻译by sugarle