英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:30:59



本期材料发音模仿地址:http://bulo.hujiang.com/menu/11885/item/794503/http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201307/201307180714159013884.mp3I am very careful with my clothes. I handle them with kid gloves. I try not to get them dirty or torn. Most of my clothes fit like a glove. They fit perfectly. But when I eat too much, I feel like my clothes might burst at the seams. My clothes feel too restrictive and tight.
Some of the clothes I like best are hand-me-downs. My older sister gave them to me when she no longer wanted them. Hand-me-downs are great because clothes often cost too much money. I live on a shoestring. I have a very small budget and little money to spend on clothes. However, my sister has a lot of money to spend on clothes. Maybe someday the shoe will be on the other foot. The opposite will be true. I will have a lot of money to buy clothes and my sister will get hand-me-downs from me.
I admit I dream of being rich. I dream that someday I will be able to live like a rich person. I will know what it is like to walk in another person's shoes. Some of my friends got rich by riding someone else's coattails. They are successful today as a result of someone else being successful. But, I believe you should never criticize others for something you would do yourself. What is said about someone else can also be said about you. Remember, if the shoe fits, wear it.我对衣服很小心。我带着羔羊皮手套对待它们(handle sth. with kid gloves),不把衣服弄脏或穿坏。我的衣服多数像手套一样大小合适(fit like a glove),它们非常合体。不过,如果我吃多了,会觉得衣服可能会在衣缝处裂开(burst at the seams),也就是说衣服太束缚人太紧了。
有些我最喜爱的衣服是别人穿过后转送给我的(hand-me-down)。我姐姐不要这些衣服时就会送给我。别人穿过的衣服很好,因为买衣服通常要花很多钱。我是靠小本经营为生的(live on a shoestring),也就是说我可支配的钱很少,几乎没钱买衣服。不过,我姐姐有的是钱买衣服,也许哪天鞋会穿在另一只脚上(The shoe will be on the other foot),情况会出现逆转。我会有许多钱买衣服,而姐姐会捡我穿过的衣服。
我承认,我梦想着变得富有,梦想着有一天能过有钱人的生活。我会知道穿着别人的鞋走路(walk in another person’s shoes)感觉如何。我有一些朋友因攀附在别人上衣的下摆上(ride someone else’s coattails)而致富。他们通过他人的成功造就了自己今日的成功。不过,我认为,你如果自己会做某件事,就不要批评别人这么做,对别人的评论也同样适用于你。记住,如果鞋子合脚,就穿着吧(If the shoe fits, wear it)。
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