英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:29:55



Wade Davis
A National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence, he has been described as “a rare combination of scientist, scholar, poet and passionate defender of all of life’s diversity.”
It's a land known to the Tahltan people and all the First Nations of British Columbia as the Sacred Headwaters, the source of the three great salmon rivers of home, the Skeena, the Stikine and the Nass. It's a valley where, in a long day, perhaps, too, you can follow the tracks of grizzly and wolf and drink from the very sources of water that gave rise and cradled the great civilizations of the Northwest Coast. It's such a beautiful place. _______(一句话听写,首字母大写,句末加标点)_________ It's the sort of place that we, as Canadians, could throw England, and they'd never find it. John Muir, in 1879, went up just the lower third of the Stikine, and he was so enraptured he called it a Yosemite 150 miles long. He came back to California and named his dog after that river of enchantment. In the Lower 48, the farthest you can get away from a maintained road is 20 miles. In the Northwest Quadrant of British Columbia, an area of land the size of Oregon, there's one road, a narrow ribbon of asphalt that slips up the side of the Coast Mountains to the Yukon. I followed that road in the early 1970s, soon after it was built, to take a job as the first park ranger in Spatsizi wilderness. My job description was deliciously vague: wilderness assessment and public relations. In two four-month seasons I saw not a dozen people. There was no one to relate publicly to.
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201305/201305080743343058878.mp3It's the most stunningly wild place I've ever been.这里就是塔尔坦人和所有大不列颠哥伦比亚省第一民族(即印第安人)所熟知的“神圣源头”,“神圣源头”是加拿大三大蛙鱼河之源,斯基纳河、史堤金河和纳斯河。“神圣源头”地处山谷,用一整天或两天时间你可以沿着灰熊和狼的足迹饮用源头的水。那里诞生并哺育了太平洋西北岸的伟大文明。那是个非常美丽的地方。也是我去过最神奇的野地。这个地方足以使我们加拿大人让英国晕头转向,找不着北。1879年,约翰·穆尔只走到了史堤金河下游的三分之一,他喜出望外,称之为“240公里长的优胜美地(加州著名景点)”他回到加利福尼亚州之后以那条魔力之河为他的狗取名。在美国本土,离养护道路最远你可以走32公里。大不列颠哥伦比亚省西北角,一块与俄勒冈州大小的土地,有一条道路,一条沥青彩带把海岸山脉与育空河隔开。二十世纪七十年代,在那条路修建不久,我就沿路到斯巴兹荒野找了一份公园管理员的工作。我的工作职责出奇地含糊不清:荒野评估和公共关系。在两季八个月里,我没见着几个人儿。没人供我去搞公关。
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