英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:29:55


http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201306/201306230306452448157.mp3"I was getting so worried that I wouldn't find it. Is there anything I can do to thank you?" "Oh, no. But I do admit that having a bit of dominance over a beautiful, intelligent woman is quite intriguing. But no, no, I'm just joking." "Thank you." Said Jill feeling a little bit uncomfortable. "Oh, well there is one thing you could do for me." He said, as Jill looked a little bit worried. "You could donate some money to the after-school program. Those kids really need some new balls to play with." "No problem." Jill replied with relief. "I'll talk to my friends right away."“你写的这个纪录片很有意思。”维修工把摘要还给吉尔时说道,“你开车过来时我正要把它送到学生宿舍去。”“我担心找不到,都快急疯了,我能做点儿什么感谢你呢?”“不用,不用。但我真的承认能对一个又聪明、又漂亮的女人有点儿支配权是很让人感兴趣的。不,不,我只是开个玩笑。”“谢谢,”吉尔说,心里觉得有点儿不舒服。“哦,你可以为我做件事。”他说,吉尔回过头来,显得有些着急,“你可以向课外活动项目捐赠点儿钱,那些孩子真的需要一些新球玩玩。”“没问题。”吉尔如释重负地答道,“我马上就和朋友们谈。”
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