【BBC罗马:永恒之城的历史】圣城重生 23
Castel Sant'Angelo
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201307/201307110610346517786.mp3But, still, the troops wouldn't leave, and in December 1527, they said that if they didn't get their money, they'd hang their captains and slice the Pope into pieces. By this time, the Pope was starving, blind in one eye and ridden with liver disease. He escaped from Castel Sant'Angelo disguised as a servant and headed out of Rome to the papal residence at Orvieto. The Pope had lost his splendour and his power. The Holy City had lost its ruler, its protector. The Sack of Rome was the greatest catastrophe in all its history. The follies of the Renaissance popes had brought the Eternal City close to destruction. On 11th February 1528, the Landsknecht were finally paid and the horde left. The Pope returned to Rome. The Sack of Rome was seen as God's judgement, even by the Pope himself. Rome was being punished for its sins. Now, one thing was clear. The Church would have to change.但是德国长矛兵的军队还是赖着不走,1527年12年,他们说如果他们拿不到钱,他们就要把他们的队长绞死还要把教皇碎尸万段。这个时候,教皇正饥肠辘辘,一只眼睛也瞎了,还患有肝炎。教皇伪装成农民从圣安格洛堡逃了出来,从罗马跑到了意大利奥维多的教皇官邸。教皇失去了他的光芒和力量。圣城也失去了它的统治者和守护者。罗马大劫是罗马历史上最大的灾难。文艺复兴时期教皇们犯下的罪恶差点把永恒之城带向灭亡。1528年2月11日,德国长矛兵终于拿到了钱,这伙瘟神总算是走了。教皇回到了罗马。罗马大劫被人们甚至是教皇本尊视作上帝之审判。罗马为它的罪过受到了惩罚。如今,有一件事是清楚的。教会必须要有所改变了。