http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201306/201306230303513225858.mp3Jill couldn't find the docket anywhere. But she kept looking, passing by the dormant body of her husband on the couch. The light from the dome in the ceiling made her suddenly feel dizzy and she sat down. How she had escaped her domestic life and her dominant husband to return to college she would never know. He hadn't taken it well, but he acknowledged that it was better for the kids than a divorce and he sincerely hoped it would make her happy. If she didn't find her documentation, however, she would be doomed to domesticate herself again. She walked past the wall of plants that marked their division of living room from dining room. Nothing. Jill was becoming dominated by fear when she remembered that she had taken the documents to her son's divisional soccer playoffs near the dockyard two days ago. She prayed a prayer asking for divine help and left her domain. "That's an interesting documentary you' re writing." Said the maintenance worker when he handed the docket back to Jill. "I was just about to take it to one of the dormitories when you drove up."吉尔到哪儿都找不到那份摘要,但她一直找个不停,并从在沙发上睡着了的丈夫身边走过。从天花板的圆顶射下来的灯光让她突然感到头晕目眩,于是她坐了下来。她是如何摆脱家庭生活和丈夫的控制又回到大学的,她始终不得而知。他没有心平气和地接受,但是承认对孩子来说这比离婚好,并且真诚希望这样会让她快乐。但是如果找不到她的文献资料,那她注定要再次适应家庭生活。她走过将起居室和餐厅分隔开的植物墙。什么也没有。吉尔想起两天前她曾把文件拿到船厂附近去看她儿子参加的分胜负的足球加时赛,这时她内心被恐惧所占据。她做了下祷告,祈求神的帮助,然后离开了她的活动范围。