英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:29:11


        主持人的话①RS: William Labov and other researchers have been tracking sound changes for a big project, the Atlas of North American English, to be published in a few months.
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201307/201307021018076599462.mp3What happens here is the short-a becomes ai in every single word, so that people have, say, theaht and feahct. In the meantime, the short words spelled with short-o like socks or block or cot move into the position that was formerly occupied by ah. So the man's name Jahn that's a man's name, Jahn. And the girl's name becomes Jain. So this is like a game of musical chairs. We call it chain shifting, in which five or six vowels all change places.
Well, American dialects have been studied for a hundred years or so. But unlike European countries, America has never finished a map of the United States, only the eastern United States is covered and a few spots here and there. So we included both Canada and the United States in a study we started in 1992. And in about six years we covered the entire continent using a telephone survey of all the urbanized areas, the big cities. So it covers about two-thirds of the population of North America, and it represents them with about 800 speakers.现在这里发生的事情是短期的变得爱在每一个字,这样的人,说,theaht和feahct。在此期间,短的话拼写短o类似袜子或块或婴儿床迁入的立场是,以前被占用的啊。因此该名男子的名字是一个人的名字,雅恩雅恩。女孩的名字成为耆那教。因此,这是像音乐椅游戏。我们叫它链转移,在五或六个元音变化的地方。
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