英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-10 00:15:50


  你的办公室里是否有这样一类人,自我感觉良好,十分自恋,而且受不了委屈?这种人拥有“玛丽苏情结”-- Mary Sue complex。那么玛丽苏又是谁呢?一起来了解一下吧!
  A Mary Sue is a character in a work of fiction who exists primarily for the purpose of wish-fulfillment on the part of the author. She plays a prominent role in the work, but she is notably devoid of flaws or a complex personality, and she usually represents the pinnacle of idealized perfection.
  People who have Mary Sue complex usually feel good about themselves and could not take slightest grievances. They tend to be fastidious and hard to get along, therefore unable to climb up on the corporate ladders.
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