Soldiers guard an area outside the Washington Navy Yard, where an early
morning shooting rampage erupted Monday, leaving at least 13 people dead, Sept
16, 2013. Among the dead on the grounds of the capital's Navy Yard was a
suspected gunman, identified by officials as 34-year-old Aaron Alexis, a man
from Fort Worth, Texas.
A shooting rampage at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday has left 13 people
dead, including the gunman, Washington Mayor Vincent Gray said.
此次枪击事件(shooting rampage)的发生地Washington Navy
plant)。此地是美国海军历史最悠久的海岸设施(shore establishment)。目前,此地主要为美国海军的行政中心(administrative
center)和典礼中心(ceremonial center),美国海军作战部长(Chief of Naval
Operations)的官邸也设于此。同时,这里也是美国海军海上系统司令部总部(headquarters for the Naval Sea Systems
Command)、海军历史中心(Naval Historical Center)、海军历史部(the Department of Naval
History)、美国海军军法团(the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps)、海军反应堆管理处(Naval
Reactors)、海军陆战队学院(Marine Corps Institute)、美国海军乐队(the United States Navy
枪击事件发生的具体地点在美国海军海上系统司令部总部(headquarters for the Naval Sea Systems
Command)大楼,被警方击毙的一名枪手身份已经确认。他是来自美国得克萨斯州沃斯堡 (Fort Worth)的艾伦•阿莱克西斯 (Aaron
contractor),2007年至2011年期间,他曾在美国海军预备部队(navy reserve)服役,为三级下士(petty officer 3rd
class)。美国总统奥巴马称此次枪击事件为“懦夫行径”(cowardly act)。